VDTA has come a long way

I’d like to take a moment to talk about how lucky I feel to be able to coach people and train their dogs on a daily basis and call it a “Job”. Since taking over from Glenn over four years ago I am blessed to be one of the busiest dog trainers in Melbourne. During … Continued

Getting Through To Dog Owners

It’s no secret… It’s well documented for dog trainers across the world that the most important factor for achieving long lasting results with clients is to get through to the person you are dealing with. The PERSON. They are the client, not the dog. At the top of the list of considerations for deciding whether … Continued

Will Training Suppress My Dogs Personality?

I have observed in my conversations with non clients over the last few weeks a genuine and significant thought pattern that training negatively affects your dogs personality. This worried me to say the least. Not only is it incorrect but this means people are seriously considering giving up control in order to allow their dog … Continued

Holiday Dangers

I decided to go up to the country to see my family for 5 days, it’s a quiet time of year for dog trainers, with everyone gearing up for christmas they have other things to be spending their money on and very little spare time. After I arrived I realised that there is a important … Continued

Healthy Dog Interaction

Boxer X, 4years. Mini Aussie bulldog 6months. This is Sookie the Boxer cross demonstrating her skills as a behaviour development mentor. Together we assess and treat behaviour problems, and teach younger dogs whats appropriate and what isn’t, don’t we make a great team. On display here is some excitable submissive appeasement from the small dog, … Continued